
Document Link Repair

The enterprise-scale, gold standard for document link repair

Nothing is more frustrating than finding a broken link to an associated document or external resource.

Trying to relocate the missing content within your organization can be time-consuming and costly. Multiply that across your entire organization’s content and you start to appreciate the implications of such a problem. This scenario can quickly become a reality after a migration from non-compliant i.e: shares or personal folders to a new ECM repository, or even when doing something as mundane as upgrading your SharePoint or OpenText Content Server environment to the latest release.

No two enterprise infrastructures look alike and therefore you need a solution that is powerful enough, configurable enough, and has backing from a service organization dedicated to completing the solution with you. Our Document Link Repair is the solution of choice for your enterprise.

Faster Content Migration

By ensuring that your content remains correctly interlinked, Document Link Repair enables speedier migrations and platform upgrades.
This means reduced service downtime and reduced costs. Thanks to its high-speed design and cluster compatibility, Document Link Repair can repair over 10,000 document links per hour. In addition, it also reduces time- consuming manual involvement to a minimum.

Zero Impact Link Repair

Normally, when preforming link repairs it is, more often than not, necessary to extract, repair and re-import your content.
Using Document Link Repair, this is no longer a requirement: costly service downtime is kept to a minimum, meaning users can actually continue to work with content during the link repair process. Link repairs are done in-site so document consistency is not affected.

Improved ECM Upgrades and Migrations

With the many compliance issues associated with continued use of personal le shares, many organizations are looking to migrate this content into an ECM repository. When not properly considered, migrations such as these can impact your document link consistency.
Document Link Repair is able to ensure that links within your les are properly located and re-linked to the correct location, through its ability to work with multiple varied repositories and ECM systems. Whether you are migrating content or upgrading your ECM system to the latest version, Document Link Repair is an essential tool to get the job done right.

How does it work?

  • Document Link Repair is a enterprise-orientated customizable solution for fixing links that would normally have been broken during a data migration/import/export process.
  • Links to web resources or other les can be automatically and quickly detected across the entire enterprise, a corresponding new mapping created and applied to all documents.
  • No longer do links need to be fixed ad hoc after the event; it becomes part of a planned migration process.
  • Documents are extracted, repaired, and converted as a single operation.
  • Consultants use their expertise to configure the software to best match an enterprise’s varied needs.


Repairs broken URL references in Office, PDF, and HTML documents for improved information coherence across interconnected document and web resource libraries.
Business critical information and data transfers are maintained by repairing links between Excel les.
Updates the Display Text in Office and HTML documents for improved information coherence across interconnected document and web resource libraries.
Support for Content Server, SharePoint, le systems, and WebDAV resources.